Local Bites, Global Sights

Dubai Dreams: Trials and Triumphs in Pursuit of Work in Dubai

Are you on a quest for career success in Dubai? Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone seeking a fresh start, here are my practical insights and personal experience for job hunters in this thriving city.

Dubai is a dream destination for work because of its strong economy, tax-free income, and international exposure. The city provides diverse job opportunities, attracting professionals who want to grow their careers and enjoy financial stability.

In 2020, I decided to leave my job at Zoho and pursue a career in digital marketing. At the time, I was happy with my job and salary, but I was curious about digital marketing. Instead of seeking advice, I relied on Google searches because I was afraid of being laughed at if I asked others. So, I quit my job without a solid plan.

Unfortunately, shortly after I left, the pandemic hit, and there were lockdowns and quarantine measures. I ended up being unemployed for nine months, which was tough for me. This situation isn’t unique to COVID-19. Many of us are introverted and find it difficult to handle challenges or seek advice. Some people make impulsive decisions to quit their jobs based on what others say, and they end up without a job for months.

If you’re the main earner in your family and want a good career, it’s essential to think carefully before leaving your current job. Refrain from making abrupt decisions. Instead, find a new job while still working and only apply for resignation after you have a confirmed offer letter. Talk to your current employer and management about the transition process.

If you already have a good salary but face a lot of stress at work, it’s best not to accept a lower-paying job to escape the toxic environment. Wait for the right time to find a better position with a higher salary. Taking a lower salary could lead to disinterest later on or cause financial problems. It’s important to prioritize long-term career growth and stability instead of making hasty decisions based solely on escaping a toxic workplace. Be patient and plan strategically to transition to a healthier and more satisfying work situation.

I’ve experienced this situation myself, and I’ve seen it happen to my friends too. So, I’ve learned the importance of making wise decisions and considering the well-being of yourself and your family.

Let us explore the keys to finding success and achieving your career goals in this dynamic city.

Many people, especially young individuals in economically constrained countries, choose to leave their homeland and seek opportunities in more developed or prosperous foreign countries. They hope to earn a good income and fulfill their dreams. Like them, I too had aspirations of working abroad but was waiting for the right opportunity.

Initially, my goal was to find work in European or English-speaking countries. However, due to financial limitations and lack of support, I decided to set foot in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I believed that my qualifications were sufficient to secure the desired job I had in mind. However, the job market in Dubai was not as straightforward as I had imagined.

Dubai offers a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors and positions. However, for newcomers from countries like India or other Asian nations with 3 to 4 years of career experience, the reality is often different. Many end up finding jobs as telecallers, regardless of their previous positions of responsibility or expertise within their respective fields.

Whether you were a team leader, manager, or expert in your department, it doesn’t seem to matter much in the Dubai job market. While a few fortunate individuals may secure desirable positions without much difficulty, the majority of people are forced to accept survival jobs. These jobs serve the purpose of securing a visa and covering basic living costs.

In Dubai, it is common for freshers, especially Asians or Indians with 4 or 5 years of experience in their home countries, to be offered tele-calling or credit card selling positions within finance firms. In my case, I also started my career in Dubai as a tele-caller. My daily tasks involved making calls to 200 to 300 customers, marketing and discussing the launches of luxurious villas, townhouses, and apartments by Dubai’s top developers. I aimed to use my persuasive skills to generate interested leads with just a few words.

One might assume that working in the real estate sector would provide a good income. However, that was not the case for me or other tele-callers in the industry. Typically, Tele-calling and telemarketing roles do not offer earnings beyond the fixed salary agreed upon at the time of joining. Only a few companies that are more lenient and value employee motivation may provide additional incentives.

Although I wasn’t satisfied with the cold-calling job, I made a significant financial commitment when I moved from India to Dubai. From airfare and visa expenses to living costs and rent, I had invested a substantial amount. Therefore, I found myself compelled to continue with the job for the sake of financial survival.

Dubai is home to many young people who work extremely hard to support their families in their home countries. They put in immense effort and dedication to ensure the happiness of their loved ones from afar. I was also among those who worked tirelessly and held high hopes for a successful career.

Until the beginning of 2023, the Dubai government allowed people to stay for 3 months on a visit visa. During this time, most of the first 2 months were spent searching for a job, sometimes taking longer. Companies preferred candidates with at least 1 month of visa validity, as they wanted to assess their work performance before proceeding with the employer visa process.

If your visa validity was only 10 or 20 days, some companies would ask you to extend it yourself or reimburse you for the extension payment.

If you’re thinking of coming to Dubai, think carefully. Don’t compare yourself to others who found a job in 15 days or a month. Everyone’s experience is different, and companies have their own ways of hiring.

Remember, you are not the only highly or less qualified person in the room. Dubai handles approximately 1,100 flights, and each individual visiting as a tourist admires the working and living lifestyle here. They aspire to give interviews and see if their aspirations align with their destiny. When it comes to job opportunities, regional, national, and language factors play a role in prioritizing candidates. This is not discrimination, but rather a way for companies to find the right talent for their specific needs.

If you find yourself in an unsatisfactory job, keep working, improve your skills, and give it your best effort while actively searching for other opportunities. Keep trying persistently and constructively until you find the job that brings you satisfaction and peace. Don’t limit yourself and be prepared to give it your all. With determination and perseverance, out of the numerous tries, one door will eventually open and welcome you. many tries will open the door to a welcoming opportunity.

After numerous attempts, I finally secured a hassle-free and fulfilling job with an Ireland-based company. Along the way, I faced countless interviews, experienced rejections, and encountered numerous obstacles that made me contemplate returning to India. However, I never let go of my aspirations. I remained persistent in my job hunt, focusing on finding a role that truly aligned with my desires.

Through this process, I learned some valuable lessons. First, never hesitate to reach out to your network for support and connections. Networking can open doors to unexpected opportunities. Second, continuously upskill yourself because the world values smart individuals who can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas. Strive to be a lifelong learner.

Moreover, LinkedIn proved to be a valuable platform for professional networking. I connected with professionals in my field, engaged in meaningful conversations, and shared insightful content. These actions helped me expand my professional network and opened doors to new possibilities.

In conclusion, I encourage you to stay determined and never lose sight of your dreams. Keep pushing forward, connect with professionals, and continuously enhance your skills. With perseverance and a proactive approach, you can elevate yourself and achieve all your aspirations.

Wishing you the best of luck in your journey!

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